Well I stepped off the train on to a very old platform… I stepped off the train just like my Grandmother done. The one where we stood when we were four feet tall throughing pennies on the train tracks to see what might happen. Never changing – but we longed for self made squished pennies, even after being warned we might derail a train. I still haven’t a clue if that could be true or not.  The only cause of concern that ever existed the only holler made that needed a shout with real panic… hurry up quick now, lest we’ll be losing the sun… But there was kingdoms for the building and fields to be run, and we’d run…. we’d be run out of them.

Years come back fast when winds blow in from the sea and when we’re over the hill – it’s only en route to the beach. I was told, “well, that’s Wales,” I could see on the horizon and I believed them because the world’s such a small place when your hands can’t reach the kitchen counter. The roads we took seemed so far from our homes, until a grown up me discovered – all roads are the one… Last month I just thought we should check the roads were good and in tune; so I’d know when we go there well we’ll get there real soon.

Have you ever cracked your feet  in to small little pieces as a result of running and leaping on sand dunes for as long as the day is bright, and, would you like to try? Dip your toes in the sand and get pinched by a crab. Adult hands never grow too old to go climbing oak trees to see eagles up high or to hold a bucket and spade and dig down to China. Well in the late evening, when the diggings been done, we didn’t reach China but tomorrow we’ll try, we’ll build rocket ships out of living room furniture and go flying.

On the crest of a wave I’d take a crew sailing; living on water and sky. If I could be a boatman, I’d float out at sea for days on an end and as the night closes in let lighthouses remind you that you’re not lost at sea like you think. Let the harbour keep you in touch. See, the fox in the snow – he don’t know your warm heart but I’ve heard the sun lights up on every road that you walk. Look to the east in hope morning comes soon make a dart for the beaches and the dunes and the paths – I’ve done all my talking so time for breathing sea air.

I’ve surely lost track from the start of this tale, but I’m exploring the world as I write… Oh ho, jump off the train and swim in the ocean like you know the big deep blue’s name. At this time of year, well we’ve all but  lost the sun moving through the night at all times of day.